Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
Link: Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) 2023/24 | Graduate School (polyu.edu.hk)
Other PhD Scholarships
Link: Fellowship & Scholarship Schemes | Graduate School (polyu.edu.hk)
Postdoctoral Research Fellows/Research Associates/Research Assistants
In addition to PhD students, the research group is also recruiting Postdoctoral Research Fellows/Research Associates/Research Assistants in the following research directions:
Sustainable Pavement Materials and Technology;
Nondestructive Evaluation of Infrastructure;
Pavement Management and Sustainability Assessment;
Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Pavement Materials;
Environmental Impact of Asphalt Pavement.
Candidates are expected to hold:
(a) a Master or a PhD degree from a reputable university in a closely related area;
(b) a strong motivation and interest on conducting research;
(c) a good team-work spirit;
(d) a strong track record in experimental work and/or theoretical/numerical modeling.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
Email: zhen.leng@polyu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 2766-6007
Fax: (852) 2334-6389